
Sunday, November 28, 2010

next year p5 class

So sad!!!I cant be in the same class as my best friend.As i went to class P5-4.I am sh0ck that i am in the same class as MALCOME LIM!!!I hate him!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mrt map

hello kitty

Duck Kitty

I like Hello Kitty!


I like to watch this Chan Shan show.As it is very funny!

This is the point where Donkey Creek enters Gig Harbor Bay. The harbor is a lovely place, sunrise to sunset, but I often wonder, would it be as enchanting without the grace of Mt Rainier in the distance? She seems to me, the candlelight that changes a beautiful supper into a night to remember.

Science Result

So bad!My science got only 68/100D: