
Sunday, March 13, 2011

scared about results

I am now very scared about my RESULTS !!!! My science and English are very DIFFICULT!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

next year p5 class

So sad!!!I cant be in the same class as my best friend.As i went to class P5-4.I am sh0ck that i am in the same class as MALCOME LIM!!!I hate him!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mrt map

hello kitty

Duck Kitty

I like Hello Kitty!


I like to watch this Chan Shan show.As it is very funny!

This is the point where Donkey Creek enters Gig Harbor Bay. The harbor is a lovely place, sunrise to sunset, but I often wonder, would it be as enchanting without the grace of Mt Rainier in the distance? She seems to me, the candlelight that changes a beautiful supper into a night to remember.